Not really having any friends.
Having everyone want to do things that I don't want to.
Explaining myself and what I believe on a daily basis.
Feeling constantly judged and completely misunderstood.
Sometimes I really just wish I could run back to safe little Utah.
It's not easy here.
I'm learning what I believe.
I believe in The Church of Later Day Saints
I believe that I am blessed when I don't participate in drinking (alcohol or coffee), smoking, bars/parties, and rated R movies.
I believe in the Book of Mormon.
In going to church every Sunday.
Not buying things on the sabbath.
I believe that paying tithing brings so many blessings to your life.
I believe in the power of prayer.
I know that the work that is done in the temple is sacred.
I believe that families can be together for eternity.
I believe in the Holy Ghost and the sweet comfort and testaments he brings me.
I believe in missionary work.
I know that going on a mission is my next big step, that I am ment to take.
I believe in Joseph Smith and the wonder restoration he did with the Gospel.
I know that he lived for me, so that I could have the Gospel in my life and for generations.
I believe that Thomas S. Monson is the true Prophet today and that he does receive revelation today.
I believe in the Atonement. That Jesus Christ bled from every poor in Gethsemane and died on the cross for my sins- so that I could return to my Heavenly Father one day.
And I know it's not easy to live what you believe on your sleeve. To stick up for the things you believe, in fear that other people will judge you or think you are wrong. I know because I was probably one of the people who judged. I wish I had known what I know now, and felt the love that I feel now. The change that I have seen in my life and myself, the power that I have been given, there just is no way I could go back to living the life I was living. I know that I am right. I know that the things I am doing are right because the Holy Ghost testifies to me all the time.
I know that I am a daughter of God and that he loves me more than I could ever know. He has a plan for me and I gladly follow him, and receive his help and guidance along the way.
Amen :)