Friday, November 5


Oh my Sarah.
She is a natural on camera.
And just like her sister once she gets in front of the flashing lights she is ready with a pose.
She melts my heart and brings more laughter to my life than anyone I know.

Sarah and Luly.
This Halloween my little sisters dressed up at Fairy's.
They were precious. 
Sarah was so excited to go trick or treating that's all my Dad and Omi heard about all day.
When ever she would walk up to the door she would just stand there and yell "TRICK OR TREAT" with out even ringing the door bell.
Then after getting the candy she would run up to everyone in our walking group and say "SURPRISE!!!! Look I got another one."
By the end of her night she had a full pink pumpkin and was ready to count all her candy.
Such a fun Halloween.
I got kinda jealous and was living a little vicariously through her because oh to be young again, to dress up as what ever you could imagine, and ring the door bell of a strangers house to get free candy.
Bless America and there fun traditions.