Yes it's true. It has finally happened. I have finally found someone
WAY better than that Prince Charming the story books were always going on and on about. He is way better than the man I could have dreamed up for myself and I have never been happier.

You are probably asking yourself how it happened. Well... I am so head over heals in love with this man that honestly all I want is eternity with him. In that case it was only natural for me that for Christmas I asked James for a ring. It was Christmas Eve day and I was getting ready in the bathroom for all the adventures we had planned. James came strolling in looking more dashing than ever just smiling at me his oh so charming smile. He asked me, "Am I ever going to get any alone time from you?" Being the blonde at heart that I am didn't quite understand this question. I ushered him inside the bathroom and closed the door. Smiling at my big accomplishment I said, "Of course. See we can have alone time right now." He must have understood my confusion and restated the question, "No, am I ever going to get alone time FROM you?" Now me being the sensitive one that I am was a little hurt that he wanted to be away from me, especially since we are doing the long distance relationship and don't get to be together that often. I opened the door and said, "Yes, of course, you can have alone time right now." Guessing by the tone of my voice I can only assume that he understood my misunderstanding of what he was trying to say and could hear the hurt in my voice. He then assured me that he really didn't want alone time from me and closed the door behind him again Taking me into his arms he explained that he had planned a couple ways to do this, but wasn't going to be able to do it like he had planned. He began to go on about how happy I make him and how much he loves me. Then taking my left hand he slipped on the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.

(the ring :) )
He told me that this ring was for the woman who made him the happiest man he had ever been and once he found her he was never going to let her go. Honestly I was in such shock. I just looked at my ring in a complete daze that he was actually asking me to marry him. Then he asked, "Will you spend time and all eternity with me?" I quickly whipped around and said "YES!!!" giving him a large hug and then went back to looking at my gorgeous ring. What happened next is just one of the many reasons I love this man. "Oh gosh that was terrible. I can't believe I just asked you to marry me in a bathroom... Augh!" Ha ha ha. Knowing that he would beat himself up about it all day I slipped off the ring giving it back to him and explained that he could ask me all day to marry him if he wanted, but that his proposal was PERFECT. He is just perfect.
We had a date set out for May and then James was told that he could attend Ranger school. That was something that he has been looking forward to and dreaming about doing so we were only to happy to have him accept and push back our wedding date. We will keep everyone posted though of when the big day of the beginning of our new adventure will be. We just couldn't be happier.