Counting down for the one thing that I am looking forward to most this season... GOING TO UTAH FOR CHRISTMAS!!! I can not even wait. Not only am I so excited that I will be in the same state as all of my good friends, and Temple Square, and the prettiest winter I feel, I am also going to be spending the whole trip with my man. Christmas with his family. It is going to be so much fun, I am really looking forward to this trip.
It seems that I never fail to have an adventure while traveling! I don't know what it is but something always has to happen to ensure there is some anxiety and stress that needs to be felt through the process. Thank goodness for the angels and the huge blessings thrown my way through all of this.
These blonde moments have been ridiculous! It really was my complete mistake and I will claim all responsibility for it, because instead of typing in Dec 30th for my return date I definitely types Jan 30th. Yup, so I had to pay an extra $113 to change the flight to Dec 29th. They are just outrageous!!! Thinking they can charge so much to have you fly. I am going to get to Utah for Christmas, and as much as I am not looking forward to it, I will get back to Detroit! Sooner than I had planned and a lot earlier in the day, but it's all going to work out :) it always does.
Thursday, December 2
Sunday, November 28
You are the Best thing that has ever been Mine
I am so in love right now.
However, I feel that I have come to the point where I don't even think "love" is the right word for this feeling. "Love" seems so small of a concept compared to the feeling that has consumed me. I no longer feel like the girl I used to be before he came into my life, or even remember who that girl was. He has completely changed my life and I can only wait to spend the rest of my life with him. I just blush and get all flustered and giddy when I think of him. He is the person I wake up thinking about in the morning and the one person I can't get out of my head when I go to sleep at night. There is no one that could compare and the person that I want to be when I am with him surpasses any dreams I ever had for myself. I literally feel like I have physically given him my whole heart. The distance between us leaves me with an ache in my stomach... I never knew you could physically miss someone. And really with him I'm not waiting for my happily ever after, I am starting in my happily ever beginning.
... our music video.
However, I feel that I have come to the point where I don't even think "love" is the right word for this feeling. "Love" seems so small of a concept compared to the feeling that has consumed me. I no longer feel like the girl I used to be before he came into my life, or even remember who that girl was. He has completely changed my life and I can only wait to spend the rest of my life with him. I just blush and get all flustered and giddy when I think of him. He is the person I wake up thinking about in the morning and the one person I can't get out of my head when I go to sleep at night. There is no one that could compare and the person that I want to be when I am with him surpasses any dreams I ever had for myself. I literally feel like I have physically given him my whole heart. The distance between us leaves me with an ache in my stomach... I never knew you could physically miss someone. And really with him I'm not waiting for my happily ever after, I am starting in my happily ever beginning.
... our music video.
Wednesday, November 17
My new job & more
I love my new job,working at the front desk for Douglas J institute. It is definitely a change from changing diapers all day and worrying about nap times and what is for lunch. Did I mention I am not having kids for at least 3-5 years. Girls if you ever feel that you want kids work as a nanny or at a daycare for about 3 months and if you can handle that then, GO FOR IT!
Tomorrow I have a job interview with Saline Community Education as one of their main secretaries. This is another perfect job and I am really hoping they meet me and realize that I am just the person they are looking for, not any of the other people who applied. I have a killer outfit, lovely hair, and a personality that shines so I mean I should just land this. Ha ha ha.
My best friend comes in 5 days and there aren't even words to describe how excited I am that she will finally be in the same state as me!!!
Wednesday, November 10
Goofy Suday
What do you do with all the left over streamers??? Well if you are the Miller family you become creative and make headbands out of it. Really the funny part was after we made all the head bands and took pictures. It was the permanent marker that was across our foreheads. Omi and I got a kick out of showing up to work with it, but thankfully with Omi's magic touch it came out with only a little scrubbing. Oh my family :)
Happy 1st Birthday Luly
The only little girl I know that instead of grabbing the cake and shoveling it into her mouth, took one finger and slowly just enjoyed that frosting.
Well we have to get our crazy from somewhere.
My beautiful Omi. Oh and that blue duck tape that comes after you tell your dad he looks 50 years older with his five o'clock shadow. He doesn't take very kindly to the idea that he is already 50 and could look a day over 25.
The star of the party. She got this as a present and couldn't wait to get it out of the box and start singing all the song's she knows... which for a 3 year old is a lot. Here we come American Idol. (note: Luly also found this gift enjoyable. Although the noises she made in the mike were unrecognizable she was still trying her hardest to sing like her older sister.)
My beautiful sister. I'll claim her on days like this when she forgets her age and that her job is to have a rude comment after anything said. Oh 12 year old girls... hopefully sooner than later this faze will end cause she really is the sweetest when she wants to be.
Friday, November 5
OBSESSED right now
Britney Spears.
I decided to put some of Britney's older songs on my IPod.
What a wonderful idea let me tell you.
If you are lacking in the sexy department or just need to jam out, Britney Spears has just what you have been missing.
Not only did I get caught full out dancing to her by a group of old men at the place I go to work out, I have officially gotten my Sexy Back, (sorry Justin Timberlake your song just wasn't cutting it).
Yes this woman is probably crazy in real life.
I mean what epic event in her life haven't the paparazzi caught.
But what true artist isn't a little unstable and a bit crazy.
Bless this woman for not letting other people tear her down (too much,) and setting the stage for the beats and words that make you want to dance anywhere from on top of a table, in front of your bedroom mirror, or in my case in front of smelly old men.
Love her.
Oh my Sarah.
She is a natural on camera.
And just like her sister once she gets in front of the flashing lights she is ready with a pose.
She melts my heart and brings more laughter to my life than anyone I know.
Sarah and Luly.
This Halloween my little sisters dressed up at Fairy's.
They were precious.
Sarah was so excited to go trick or treating that's all my Dad and Omi heard about all day.
When ever she would walk up to the door she would just stand there and yell "TRICK OR TREAT" with out even ringing the door bell.
Then after getting the candy she would run up to everyone in our walking group and say "SURPRISE!!!! Look I got another one."
By the end of her night she had a full pink pumpkin and was ready to count all her candy.
Such a fun Halloween.
I got kinda jealous and was living a little vicariously through her because oh to be young again, to dress up as what ever you could imagine, and ring the door bell of a strangers house to get free candy.
Bless America and there fun traditions.
Monday, November 1
I love Fall
I am enjoying the changing of the leaves.
This season is so beautiful.
Since Michigan is so green during the summer it becomes lovely shades of orange, red, and yellow during the Fall.
This is something I haven't experienced for 3 years since I have been in Utah at this time of year.
I am so grateful for the beauty of nature.
Note: Take time and look around your surroundings. Often times we are so busy trying to get where we are going we forget to stop and look around us at the beauty God has given us on the journey.
Saturday, October 30
Finding Me
"As a person, I was pretty lost, but in the past 4 years I've been forced to grow up. I stopped letting boys define me and I started to believe in myself, and in my potential. And somewhere along the way, that lost little party girl finally grew up."
<3 I feel that quote defines quite a few chapters in my life. There was a large part of my life where I was trying to find myself. Often in the all the wrong places and circumstances but I feel that those moments only helped define who I am today, and I am thankful for them. I feel I have taken some very large steps in the right direction finally and can honestly say I have gotten to a point where I finally feel like myself. There are still many changes, stages, and adventures ahead, but I am no longer lost looking for my way. The path that I am on is clear and I am excited to see what lies ahead. Bring on the rain and more even more sunny days
<3 I feel that quote defines quite a few chapters in my life. There was a large part of my life where I was trying to find myself. Often in the all the wrong places and circumstances but I feel that those moments only helped define who I am today, and I am thankful for them. I feel I have taken some very large steps in the right direction finally and can honestly say I have gotten to a point where I finally feel like myself. There are still many changes, stages, and adventures ahead, but I am no longer lost looking for my way. The path that I am on is clear and I am excited to see what lies ahead. Bring on the rain and more even more sunny days
Friday, September 10
"I run because it's so symbolic of life. You have to drive yourself to overcome the obstacles. You might feel that you can't. But then you find your inner strength, and realize you're capable of so much more than you thought." --Arthur Blank

I feel that tomorrow I am going for a run. And then I am going to keep up with running because I really have been slacking in that department. Here is where I get back in my routine and start losing some inches.
I feel that tomorrow I am going for a run. And then I am going to keep up with running because I really have been slacking in that department. Here is where I get back in my routine and start losing some inches.
Thursday, September 9
Trust your intuition.
Take flight towards your dreams.
Embrace your truth.
Collect moments of kindness.
Feel the abundance of your life.
Do the things you never though you would.
Celebrate the gifts of today.
Never give up. Ever.
love this song right now...
Trust your intuition.
Take flight towards your dreams.
Embrace your truth.
Collect moments of kindness.
Feel the abundance of your life.
Do the things you never though you would.
Celebrate the gifts of today.
Never give up. Ever.
love this song right now...
Wednesday, September 8
"Be patient with me, I'm still evolving"
All of life is a meditation, in which you are contemplating the Divine. This is called true wakefulness, or mindfulness.
Experienced in this way, everything in life is blessed. There is struggle and pain and worry no more. There is only experience, which you may choose to label in any way you wish. You may choose to label all of it perfection.
Experienced in this way, everything in life is blessed. There is struggle and pain and worry no more. There is only experience, which you may choose to label in any way you wish. You may choose to label all of it perfection.
Labels, the world is so obsessed with labels. Of calling something as what ever they can justify with their mind. Nothing ever just is. The shirt can not be purple because you interpret the shirt as a certain shade of color by what you have experienced through your past. So then no one person can ever just be. They are what others assume they are, as they assume themselves as. I am a sweet, free loving girl. My love does not cost anything and it is never ending. I trust therefore i give. I love because it is the one law i agree with completely. It is the one thing that makes sense. With out love there is nothing because all things need an opposite to thrive and love is the end all... the answer. Once you get my love it flourishes. There is no giving it back or using too much. It flows to you because i am love. Once i decide to give my love no matter the circumstance it flows. This action i feel has been assumed and labeled as a gift that can be abused and creates a girl who can be walked on. Label this... I choose to love whole heartedly to all. There is no way it dries up or runs out. It is ever flowing. It is given to me from above to channel and give to others. So i do.
Wednesday, September 1
The Best Idea Yet
I am going to Seattle tomorrow and I can not wait!
Oh the adventure of getting a ticket, but it seems that when ever there is opposition in this relationship it always works out. We have the best luck together... Now some not-so-wonderful things have happened in our lives, however, when we are together I feel that there isn't anything that could stand in our way.
I am spending a total of 6 days in Seattle with him. And a total of 5 days all day with him! That never happens since his profession is quite a time consuming and demanding one! YEAH!!!! Really this is only the beginning of the rest of our wonderful life together! I really couldn't see me with anyone else and I wouldn't want to. Perfection.
Then I will come back and start full time as a Leapin' Lizard employee taking care of young children at a daycare. Why I didn't just go into early childcare is beyond me because it seems all the jobs I get have to do with children. Bless them.
That's all for now :)
Oh the adventure of getting a ticket, but it seems that when ever there is opposition in this relationship it always works out. We have the best luck together... Now some not-so-wonderful things have happened in our lives, however, when we are together I feel that there isn't anything that could stand in our way.
I am spending a total of 6 days in Seattle with him. And a total of 5 days all day with him! That never happens since his profession is quite a time consuming and demanding one! YEAH!!!! Really this is only the beginning of the rest of our wonderful life together! I really couldn't see me with anyone else and I wouldn't want to. Perfection.
Then I will come back and start full time as a Leapin' Lizard employee taking care of young children at a daycare. Why I didn't just go into early childcare is beyond me because it seems all the jobs I get have to do with children. Bless them.
That's all for now :)
Learn and Grow
One step forward, one step forward, one step forward. Two steps forward and one step back. Three steps forward, three steps back. Five steps forward, two steps back. No....this is not a math lesson.... this is life, lovely girl!!!
Please don't freak out or beat yourself up when you have setbacks. You are not a failure. You did not make bad plans and your steps backward do not determine your worth as a human being.
Sometimes we think we have things figured out, or that we have overcome something...and then it returns to our lives in a different way...leaving us to feel like we have failed in some way. What this actually is, is a beautiful new chance to learn and grow....and it shows up right when we are ready to take it on, even if it seems otherwise.
Remember that life is a process...all of it. There are lots of finish lines, not just one. We get to start new climbs, new races....every day. Some days we are moving forward effortlessly, some days we are learning to work through life in other ways. It's all good and it's all necessary....and you are doing a tremendous job. Reach for the gifts found in the setbacks and decide that tomorrow is a brand new day.....
Please don't freak out or beat yourself up when you have setbacks. You are not a failure. You did not make bad plans and your steps backward do not determine your worth as a human being.
Sometimes we think we have things figured out, or that we have overcome something...and then it returns to our lives in a different way...leaving us to feel like we have failed in some way. What this actually is, is a beautiful new chance to learn and grow....and it shows up right when we are ready to take it on, even if it seems otherwise.
Remember that life is a process...all of it. There are lots of finish lines, not just one. We get to start new climbs, new races....every day. Some days we are moving forward effortlessly, some days we are learning to work through life in other ways. It's all good and it's all necessary....and you are doing a tremendous job. Reach for the gifts found in the setbacks and decide that tomorrow is a brand new day.....
Tuesday, August 24
Weekend with the family
My family took a wonderful little trip to Massachusetts to visit my mom's extended family for the weekend. It was such a nice get away and a great bonding experience before everyone headed back to school.
We were lucky enough to be able to visit the Boston temple. The grounds are so beautiful and the feeling of comfort and peace was overwhelming as you walked around.
Simply a blessing we were all able to go as a family.
We were lucky enough to be able to visit the Boston temple. The grounds are so beautiful and the feeling of comfort and peace was overwhelming as you walked around.
Simply a blessing we were all able to go as a family.
Sunday, August 8
It's very important to think positive thoughts about who you are, because you'll seldom go beyond what you believe to be true about yourself.

Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person that you meet.
To make all of your friends feel that something is special in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature that you meet a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
To be to large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and to happy to permit the presence of trouble.
-By Christian D. Larsen
Tuesday, July 27
i am the master of my fate. i am the captain of my soul.
"who are you to judge my life? i know that i'm not perfect and don't live life to be. but before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." -- bob marley
"who are you to judge my life? i know that i'm not perfect and don't live life to be. but before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." -- bob marley
Sunday, July 25
Tuesday, July 20
Summer Adventure
I love Seattle.
Took a trip to visit a friend.
Had a lovely time just relaxing.
The sky is the bluest sky I have ever seen,
& the weather was lovely while I was there.
Can't wait to live there : )
Monday, June 28
I signed up for a spin class finally! I have been wanting to take a spin class for about a year now, and saw that the REC center offered one to the community.
So today was the first class for me. Boy did it kick my butt, and I LOVE IT! I can not wait to keep going and get better and better at it! Most of the women are older and they spin circles around me! I am the newest BIGGEST fan of spinning and I feel that it's going to be a life time friend of mine!
EVEN BETTER, when I stepped on the scale I have already lost 3 pounds! Seems to be working just fine.
Sunday, June 27
The Balloon Festival
What a fun day. I was thinking to myself that I would really like to see a Balloon Festival and watch all the balloons take off on my way to work. And when I got there, Stephani told me that where was a Balloon Festival in Howell. HOW INCREDIBLE and fast the spirit works. It was so much fun watching all the balloons take off.


Look how beautiful they all are up in the sky. There were so many more than this! It was incredible to see!

Then at Dusk they had the GLOW, where all the balloons inflated again and they all lit up at the same time. SO PRETTY!

Stephani took this, it's seriously my favorite one.
Look how beautiful they all are up in the sky. There were so many more than this! It was incredible to see!
Then at Dusk they had the GLOW, where all the balloons inflated again and they all lit up at the same time. SO PRETTY!
Stephani took this, it's seriously my favorite one.
This is what I have been up to...
My new lifestyle could have many names: Chauffeur, Cook, Nurse, Human Punching Bag, Snuggle buddy, Story Teller, Mediator, Best Friend, Nap Time Nagger, Jokester, Pizza Deliver Girl, Dish Washer, and so much more, but I prefer Nanny.
This job isn't the easiest one. Where by the end of the day you just pass out when your head hits the pillow, when you rethink the plan of having children when you get married, but then moments like this happen...

...and this...

... and you realize how much you love every snotty nose, every temper tantrum, and the moments where they look up at you and just smile.This is my little buddy Atris, he is 5. He is one of the boys I play in the water with, I read book too, and I watch hours of Caillou and recently Bolt with.
I also watch Connor and RJ. They are 13 and 11 and there is never a dull moment with them. They keep me on my toes and I'm sure wait for my reaction when one hits the other with what ever they can grab the fastest around them. We also have the best adventures going to Putters, Bowling, and Rolling Hills or just staying home having a Movie Day.
Loving the summer already :)
This job isn't the easiest one. Where by the end of the day you just pass out when your head hits the pillow, when you rethink the plan of having children when you get married, but then moments like this happen...
...and this...
... and you realize how much you love every snotty nose, every temper tantrum, and the moments where they look up at you and just smile.This is my little buddy Atris, he is 5. He is one of the boys I play in the water with, I read book too, and I watch hours of Caillou and recently Bolt with.
I also watch Connor and RJ. They are 13 and 11 and there is never a dull moment with them. They keep me on my toes and I'm sure wait for my reaction when one hits the other with what ever they can grab the fastest around them. We also have the best adventures going to Putters, Bowling, and Rolling Hills or just staying home having a Movie Day.
Loving the summer already :)
Thursday, June 17
Tuesday, June 8
Because I Can
Friday, June 4
It was so nice that my best friend came to Michigan for a while.
It was fun to reminise with her and go to all our old hang out spots.
Taking pictures. Laughing. Shopping. jhiu& Well more laughing...
She is my other half.
The only person I know who can read my mind half way across the states.
Can make me laugh like no one ever could.
Has been with my through everything.
& We are still making memories to laugh about in the future.
Wednesday, May 26
"... they shall bow down to thee with their face towards the earth, and lick up the sut of thy feet... for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me." 1 Nephi 21:23

I need to stop doubting my power. The power that has been given to me. I need to forget who I used to be, the past me. Those things I did are no longer me, they are something that I have no interest in. I am not ashamed of what I believe, however those memories of the "easy" life come back so freely. This is what I was afraid of. This is what everyone was afraid of. The girl I pretended to be. The girl I got so used to playing. No, I know so much more than those people do. I have felt more love and peace than those people let themselves feel. I am past all the pain and drama they put themselves in.
Those memories are no longer my own. When I got off probation, when I was forgiven completely He recognized me as a new person. Completely clean slate and white garments. It is only me that has chosen not to forget. I don't know who that person was and why she did the things she did.
I am a daughter of God. All his promises are my promises. All his blessings are my blessings. All his love is for me. I know who I am and where I am going. I remember.
I need to stop doubting my power. The power that has been given to me. I need to forget who I used to be, the past me. Those things I did are no longer me, they are something that I have no interest in. I am not ashamed of what I believe, however those memories of the "easy" life come back so freely. This is what I was afraid of. This is what everyone was afraid of. The girl I pretended to be. The girl I got so used to playing. No, I know so much more than those people do. I have felt more love and peace than those people let themselves feel. I am past all the pain and drama they put themselves in.
Those memories are no longer my own. When I got off probation, when I was forgiven completely He recognized me as a new person. Completely clean slate and white garments. It is only me that has chosen not to forget. I don't know who that person was and why she did the things she did.
I am a daughter of God. All his promises are my promises. All his blessings are my blessings. All his love is for me. I know who I am and where I am going. I remember.
Monday, May 24
I believe
I guess I'm getting used to it here...
Not really having any friends.
Having everyone want to do things that I don't want to.
Explaining myself and what I believe on a daily basis.
Feeling constantly judged and completely misunderstood.
Sometimes I really just wish I could run back to safe little Utah.
It's not easy here.

I'm learning what I believe.
I believe in The Church of Later Day Saints
I believe that I am blessed when I don't participate in drinking (alcohol or coffee), smoking, bars/parties, and rated R movies.
I believe in the Book of Mormon.
In going to church every Sunday.
Not buying things on the sabbath.
I believe that paying tithing brings so many blessings to your life.
I believe in the power of prayer.
I know that the work that is done in the temple is sacred.
I believe that families can be together for eternity.
I believe in the Holy Ghost and the sweet comfort and testaments he brings me.
I believe in missionary work.
I know that going on a mission is my next big step, that I am ment to take.
I believe in Joseph Smith and the wonder restoration he did with the Gospel.
I know that he lived for me, so that I could have the Gospel in my life and for generations.
I believe that Thomas S. Monson is the true Prophet today and that he does receive revelation today.
I believe in the Atonement. That Jesus Christ bled from every poor in Gethsemane and died on the cross for my sins- so that I could return to my Heavenly Father one day.
And I know it's not easy to live what you believe on your sleeve. To stick up for the things you believe, in fear that other people will judge you or think you are wrong. I know because I was probably one of the people who judged. I wish I had known what I know now, and felt the love that I feel now. The change that I have seen in my life and myself, the power that I have been given, there just is no way I could go back to living the life I was living. I know that I am right. I know that the things I am doing are right because the Holy Ghost testifies to me all the time.
I know that I am a daughter of God and that he loves me more than I could ever know. He has a plan for me and I gladly follow him, and receive his help and guidance along the way.
Amen :)
Not really having any friends.
Having everyone want to do things that I don't want to.
Explaining myself and what I believe on a daily basis.
Feeling constantly judged and completely misunderstood.
Sometimes I really just wish I could run back to safe little Utah.
It's not easy here.
I'm learning what I believe.
I believe in The Church of Later Day Saints
I believe that I am blessed when I don't participate in drinking (alcohol or coffee), smoking, bars/parties, and rated R movies.
I believe in the Book of Mormon.
In going to church every Sunday.
Not buying things on the sabbath.
I believe that paying tithing brings so many blessings to your life.
I believe in the power of prayer.
I know that the work that is done in the temple is sacred.
I believe that families can be together for eternity.
I believe in the Holy Ghost and the sweet comfort and testaments he brings me.
I believe in missionary work.
I know that going on a mission is my next big step, that I am ment to take.
I believe in Joseph Smith and the wonder restoration he did with the Gospel.
I know that he lived for me, so that I could have the Gospel in my life and for generations.
I believe that Thomas S. Monson is the true Prophet today and that he does receive revelation today.
I believe in the Atonement. That Jesus Christ bled from every poor in Gethsemane and died on the cross for my sins- so that I could return to my Heavenly Father one day.
And I know it's not easy to live what you believe on your sleeve. To stick up for the things you believe, in fear that other people will judge you or think you are wrong. I know because I was probably one of the people who judged. I wish I had known what I know now, and felt the love that I feel now. The change that I have seen in my life and myself, the power that I have been given, there just is no way I could go back to living the life I was living. I know that I am right. I know that the things I am doing are right because the Holy Ghost testifies to me all the time.
I know that I am a daughter of God and that he loves me more than I could ever know. He has a plan for me and I gladly follow him, and receive his help and guidance along the way.
Amen :)
Sunday, May 9
what a wonderful sunday
I love Sundays.
Today I was pleasantly surprised when my bishop told me that I could get my temporary temple recommend.
The love and peace I felt as he was filling it out was just like the day I received the answer I need to go on a mission.
I DID IT!!!!
I reached my goal.
It was a lot of hard work and there are times when I forget that I really am capable of living my life like this.
Really the only thing that holds me back most of the time is myself
I have wonderful potential and the things I am going to achieve in my lifetime are far beyond my comprehension with the Lord's help.
I am grateful for my mother and all the patience and wisdom she has been able to share with me. The strong example she has given me that 'trials in your life don't kill you, they only make you stronger', has helped me get through many events in my life. Always having someone on your side, cheering you on, there when for the laughter and the tears, often the only person I can count on, is why I am so grateful for my mother and why I love her unconditionally.
I love Sundays.
Today I was pleasantly surprised when my bishop told me that I could get my temporary temple recommend.
The love and peace I felt as he was filling it out was just like the day I received the answer I need to go on a mission.
I DID IT!!!!
I reached my goal.
It was a lot of hard work and there are times when I forget that I really am capable of living my life like this.
Really the only thing that holds me back most of the time is myself
I have wonderful potential and the things I am going to achieve in my lifetime are far beyond my comprehension with the Lord's help.
I am grateful for my mother and all the patience and wisdom she has been able to share with me. The strong example she has given me that 'trials in your life don't kill you, they only make you stronger', has helped me get through many events in my life. Always having someone on your side, cheering you on, there when for the laughter and the tears, often the only person I can count on, is why I am so grateful for my mother and why I love her unconditionally.
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