Wednesday, September 1

The Best Idea Yet

I am  going to Seattle tomorrow and I can not wait!

Oh the adventure of getting a ticket, but it seems that when ever there is opposition in this relationship it always works out. We have the best luck together... Now some not-so-wonderful things have happened in our lives, however, when we are together I feel that there isn't anything that could stand in our way.

I am spending a total of 6 days in Seattle with him. And a total of 5 days all day with him! That never happens since his profession is quite a time consuming and demanding one! YEAH!!!! Really this is only the beginning of the rest of our wonderful life together! I really couldn't see me with anyone else and I wouldn't want to. Perfection.

Then I will come back and start full time as a Leapin' Lizard employee taking care of young children at a daycare. Why I didn't just go into early childcare is beyond me because it seems all the jobs I get have to do with children. Bless them.

That's all for now :)